Wednesday, August 28, 2013


  1. One question I have about life is ___when will it end?
  2. My friends will tell you that I am ____random.
  3. I am an expert on ____channel surfing.
  4. I want to know more about __mental illness_____.
  5. When I am 30 (choose one), I will ____Have a 5 year old!
  6. When I want to, I have the ability to ___be hilarious_____.
  7. A famous person I admire is __Mariah Carey_____ because __she has kept her class____.
  8. The bravest thing I ever did was __give birth_____.
  9. I have trouble dealing with ___children the whine and complain.
  10. I appreciate it when teachers ___explain things more then once.
  11. I am proud of my ____beautiful son.
  12. I like __crocheting_____ because ___it makes me feel creative_____.
  13. I really need to ___stop procrastinating.
  14. My favorite class is __mental health__ because __mental health is my passion and I plan to spend the rest of my life working with people that suffer from mental illness____.
  15. My pet peeve is __when someone says they will call you right back and then they don't____.
  16. When I am sad I __spend a lot of time alone. Usually watching TV_____.
  17. The most stressful thing in my life is ___my son's father_____.
  18. The most influential person in my life is __ my mama_____ because __she has shown me how a strong woman never gives up and gets through life's most difficult events.  Most importantly she has role modeled what kind of mama I should be____.
  19. I am named for ____ the TV show "family ties"___.
  20. It was easy to learn ___how to dance_____.